Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Pray with me?

There is something on my heart today. It's weighing me down and it's not even directly about me, but I know people I love are hurting and it's breaking my heart. Please pray with me for these people. Pray that God will work on their hearts to right wrongs and to bring about His will.

I know that He's in control but sometimes it's just hard to sit back and watch when things just aren't right. Thank you so much for your prayers. Let me know if I can pray for you in some way today.


On a side note, I'm excited to play volleyball tonight & about the softball fundraising tournament this Saturday that I'm playing in! I'm also NOT excited about all the work I have to do tomorrow, I will be a hermit, in the library pretty much ALL day! :/

Just telling myself...senior year, senior year, senior year!!!! :D

Thanks again for your prayers, they are greatly appreciated!



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