Monday, October 3, 2011

Growing Pains

I was just going through our "important papers" box and found a file that brought back feelings and memories from a particularly unpleasant experience in my life. I hate that it's on my mind and has my thoughts racing now, but even more than that I recognize that God used that situation to teach me and to mold me into a better person, leader, administrator and friend for the future...and for now.

I will hold on to the positive even as I struggle to let go of all the negative.

...because that's what life is all about: we have to find the GOOD things, because, let's face it, the bad is easy to see and it's often staring us in the face.

WE have to make the CHOICE to look past the bad and find that glimmer of good and hold on to hope for a brighter day ahead.

Contrary to what it sounds like, I am doing very well.

I am just reflecting on a bad time  big trial I faced in my life and sharing some thoughts I am having while doing so. Glad you are here reading, and I hope that these words are helpful to someone who happens to stop by to read.

Have a great day and God bless!

Remember to CHOOSE to see the GOOD! <3


Daisypath Anniversary tickers
Lilypie Pregnancy tickers