Friday, May 6, 2011

Now that the school work is over....

I am looking forward to these things:

  • Graduation--and seeing the family that will be there. 
  • Beth & Kasey's wedding. I love Beth dearly...she's my "longest" friend, as in we've been friends the longest of all my friends and she's priceless to me. So I'm just oh, so happy for them both! :) Okay, done being sappy. 
  • Mission trip to Mexico in June. Fundraising is almost done, but continues...prayers for our trip are appreciated!
  • Joe & I will be an uncle/aunt for the SECOND time this summer.
  • Traveling to Asia. (that one didn't happen, but that's okay.)
  • Beach time! 
  • Celebrating our one year anniversary! 
  • Reading books...because I want to, not because they are listed on a syllabus
  • Cooking more and experimenting when I do! 
  • Couponing & working on the frugal habits that I let go in the business of school

....I plan to continue to add to this post but I wanted to post it now because it helped me get excited about being DONE with school!

Your prayers for our uncertain future would be appreciated! We are just waiting on God to open doors of where He wants us...will you join us in praying for the future? :)

initial thoughts

I JUST finished my last assignment for my undergraduate studies.

I'm not quite excited yet, it will hit me in a few minutes...when Joe is finished and gets to be happy with me, I think.

In the mean time I wanted to post since this blog has taken a back seat to my studies (and rightly so) in the last few months.

I will be back in action soon. I've wanted to write so many times, but the homework was slightly more pressing, just slightly. haha.

So anywho, I'm here and I'm getting excited now just writing this.

I already did the graduate from college thing once, but that was just an associates now it's the real deal. I'm about to graduate with a major in Leadership and Administration.

Pretty sweet.

Okay, that's really all I can make my poor fingers (that have been typing for the last 3ish hours) type for now.

I'll be back soon friends, thanks for sticking around despite my absence. ....if you are still there! :)


Daisypath Anniversary tickers
Lilypie Pregnancy tickers