Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Review: Woolzies Dryer Balls!

I've never done this & don't know that I'll ever do it again but I agreed to post a review of a product on my page in exchange for the chance to try out the product for no charge. So here goes...my experience is not being paid for & the opinions here are all mine!

I tried out Woolzies XL Dryer Balls. You may or may not have ever heard of "dryer balls" so let me tell you that these particular type are made out of 100% Pure New Zealand Wool and yet because they do not shed, they are safe for use by people with wool sensitivities. The purpose of them is two-fold, they naturally soften you laundry & shorten the time it takes for your laundry to get dry. I like them because of the shortened drying time for large loads and because not buying laundry softener saves money--and I'm all about a frugal tactic! Woolzies have proven to me that drying time is cut down by using them! We share a washer & dryer with another family so it's important that we get our laundry in & out quickly and these help that happen so that we all have clean clothes when we need them!

Another benefit is the fact that these soften your clothes without the chemicals used in liquid and sheet form, and I'm okay with keeping a few chemicals off my skin & especially my son's skin when we are so bombarded with chemicals in everything these days.

Let me share a few facts about Woolzies from their website:
*Hypoallergenic--chemical free & even safe for people with wool sensitivies.
*Woolzies bounce around in your dryer naturally separating and creating space between your laundry, thereby allowing the hot dryer air to circulate better and subsequently cutting down on drying time by about 25% in large loads and as much as 35-40% in small loads.
*Saves time and money for you and energy for the environment.
*GUARANTEED to last for 1,000 loads! (Which means if you do one load EVERY day they will last you nearly 3 years! I see dollar signs in the savings department on store-bought softener!)

The package I was sent came with 6 dryer balls and they have worked well for us! Woolzies recommends 8 for very large loads but so far I've been pleased with how well they work and for how they've held up as I've been using them for most of the summer already. The real test will come this winter when less of our clothes will be put on the clothesline to dry outside...but for now Woolzies sure do have a two thumbs up from me!

Woolzies can be purchased on their website for $34.95 per 6 pack--shipping is free to anywhere in the US including Hawaii and Alaska. But you may be able to get some for FREE....

I am hosting a giveaway or a set of 6 Woolzies....just leave a comment to enter to win. I will randomly select a winner on Aug. 31 & announce it via email on Sept. 1. Leave your email address in the comment box please! Good luck to everyone :) 

Monday, March 25, 2013

Malachi is here...a little late but finally posting!

So my last post was written on the day Malachi was due to be born, January 30th...and 8 days later he decided it was time to come on out! Now on March 25th, it has been 6 weeks and 4 days since he was born and I have loved every minute of being his mamma!

I haven't posted lately for a few reasons...

1. I have (had?) a newborn. Enough said.
2. I have been enjoying said newborn!
3. I don't know what to say. I have TOO much to say.
4. I have so many things I want to do...blog about him, work on a baby book, finish baby shower thank you notes (sometime before he goes to college), order pictures for relatives who are bugging me itching to see the cutie on their mantles...etc!

So yes, he is here...and he's fantastic. And I am so thankful to God for this little guy he's entrusted to us.
I'm thankful for a safe and good labor & delivery that went just how I hoped and dreamed!
I'm thankful for his health!!!
I'm thankful for his daddy who loves me and him and serves us both with all he has and rarely is anything other than thrilled to do so.
I'm thankful for our little family that makes me so very happy... Thank you God!

Maybe I'll blog more soon...maybe...

But for now, here's a picture of us with our little guy right after he arrived...

.....and also a few pictures of him from this month:

Thursday, January 31, 2013

1-30-13 -- A Letter to my unborn son...

Today is Wednesday, January 30, 2013...

And it's a special day for us. It's special because today was (it's almost over) the "estimated due date" for our first child. We are welcoming a little boy into our family, ANY day minute now!

So in honor of today, I decided to write a letter to my unborn son. 

Malachi Isaiah, 

I am so excited that God has given us you and is trusting us to raise you! Me and your dad absolutely cannot wait to meet you and we already love you more than you can possibly know! 

I want to tell you that we have one wish above all things for your life, and that is that you put God first by seeking to serve Him with your all. We have lots of wishes for you but that is first and foremost and we will do our best to be examples of living for Him everyday so that you will see that it is most important to us as you grow up. 

I also want to tell you to dream big! I read a quote just this week online on a piece of artwork for a child's nursery that said "Dream big dreams--you'll grow into them." So I say to you, dream big! You'll often hear people say, "you can do whatever you set your mind to" and there is so much truth in that statement. Determination and drive will take you far in life--so be determined to reach your goals and know that your dad and I will alway be right there cheering you on. 

Last but not least, I want to tell you to be yourself. Dr. Seuss is a name you know (we already read his books to you and you're not even here yet) and he has a quote that says, "Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you." God made us all different and he made you the way you are on purpose, so be proud of yourself and be YOU! 

Malachi, we love you and cannot wait until you are out of my tummy & in our arms! That is certainly going to be sooner than later at this point and we are thrilled. You have been a dream of mine and daddy's since before we even met and fell in love...I'll have to tell you that story another time--it's one of my favorites. Your dad is pretty great and we are blessed to have him. We are so happy that you are a part of our family. I cannot wait to look into your eyes for the first time; so how about you come out to meet me soon, little man?! 

I love you buddy!

P.S. When we first found out we were having a baby, we didn't know if you were a little boy or a little girl, so we decided to give you a nickname. That nickname was "Squirt." Your aunt Kara helped come up with it & it has stuck...so you may still be our "Squirt" for years to come. It's cute now but I'm sure it won't be your favorite at some point as you grow up...but know that it'll always be extra special to me and your daddy and that when we call you Squirt, it makes us smile deep inside and makes our hearts happy. You are our Squirt and we love you so much! 

 A special thanks to our friend, Lauren Thorn, for her awesome photography skills that brought about these maternity pictures of Squirt in mommy's tummy! 


Daisypath Anniversary tickers
Lilypie Pregnancy tickers