Here in the Cartwright house today was decorating day! After the Redskins game--a win, btw--was over, of course, we drug out the decorations, put up the Christmas tree, & played Christmas music!
Kara spent the weekend with us and that was fantastic. It was great to get to hang out with my sister who is so close to my heart and who I am going to miss so much if she goes far away to college next year! She was also very helpful in decorating because she loves it just like me! :)
I think this blog is turning into a journal of sorts, which is not necessarily what I planned it to be but I do think I will appreciate being able to look back and see what we were doing in the coming years...IF I keep up the blogging that is.
I am looking forward to Thanksgiving this week and getting to see lots of family that we don't see very often. We will do our "normal" routine which includes going to Grandma & Grandaddy's in Elizabeth City for lunch and then to Grandma & Grandaddy's in Williamston for dinner (where we will hopefully watch the Redskins kick the tooshies of the Cowgirls! know, so we'll have one more thing to be thankful for--haha!)
I cannot believe that we will be THIRTY weeks into this pregnancy on Wednesday of this week--it's coming so quickly! Our first shower is in just a few weeks and that is going to REALLY make it if the baby kicking me *right now* isn't reminder enough! ;)
This is going to be the 3rd *married* Thanksgiving and Christmas Joe & I have spent together...but that doesn't seem to do it justice since it's actually the 7th holiday season we've been together for! So exciting to think that this time next year we will have a little one joining in for all the celebrations...and even more so that he will be nearly a YEAR old!
Well, even though I have no deep thoughts to share tonight and am simply posting about what's going on for these
Prayer Requests:
- This week I would like to ask you to pray for us as we are starting Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University program (finally) and we hope that this will be a life-altering time for our finances.
- Also, please continue to pray for the other request I've posted in the previous posts (and forgive me for being lazy and not going back to mention each of them individually.)
Have a great week, one and all! :)